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About Me

                                         With over 20 years experience in the health and wellbeing industry, and now as                                             a solution focused hypnotherapist and mindfulness coach, I help clients                                                         overcome whatever it is that may be holding them back and work with them to                                             achieve their desired goals; instilling confidence, motivation and a passion for                                               personal growth.


                                         Having trained professionally in classical ballet, resilience and determination still                                           resonate through my bones. I spent many years teaching ballet to young people                                           and therefore have a unique understanding of children; which brings me on to                                               where I am today.


To be our very best, and live the life we so desire, I believe that we need to treat and support our mental, physical and emotional health with equal importance. 


I am extremely passionate about educating children and young people about their mental health; preventing mental illness is key to our wellbeing and by teaching children life-long coping strategies at an early age this will enable them to look after their mental health perpetually.


Whether using hypnotherapy or mindfulness I am able to help children build the emotional resilience  needed to  prevent mental health issues from developing or escalating.​ I work with children both in schools and individually. ​


I also look at what drives and motivates young people through Motivational Maps Youth. Both happiness and success in life are determined by whether or not core motivations are being met and by understanding what drives an individual will result in enormous benefits both at school and at home. A really fascinating tool.


As a teacher trained to teach Paws b through MiSP I see the amazing effects mindfulness has on children and know just how beneficial it will be for them throughout their lives. The curriculum is truly wonderful and I am amazed when I hear the children discussing their Hippocampus, Amygdala and Insula!!!


I am member and registered with the National Hypnotherapy Society and abide by their strict Code of Ethics and guidelines relating to supervision and ongoing training.  I have full professional and public liability insurance and am DBS checked.


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The Consulting Centre 

348 Poole Road

Bournemouth  BH12 1AW

T: 01202 751866

M: 07951 576832

Mon-Fri:   3:00pm -  5:00pm

​​Saturday: 10:00am - 3:00pm


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